1. Lent normally starts somewhere around Valentine's Day and Culturetot in particular loved her themed sensory basket. I found a set of measuring cups in the shape of hearts and threw in a base of Risotto rice, foil and satin confetti, dried flower petals, feathers, wooden hearts and - the absolute winner - pom poms of various shapes and sizes. Culturetot really enjoyed scooping and pouring, sorting the items, collecting the pom poms and stacking the cups. All great for sensory awareness, fine motor development and colour matching practice.
2. I make seasonal play baskets for the girls too - the first of these was for Easter last year, and it was so successful I've ensured that we have never been without one since. As we were flipping our pancakes this year we still had high hopes for snow and the promise of a snowman-building day, which has now completely eluded us for the last two years. We compensated by allowing Peter Rabbit and his friends to continue their adventures in our winter snowscape as long as possible and then swiftly replaced the chilly scene with an Easter themed discovery basket. The last two years this has revolved around the theme of spring, Easter and the cycle of life. Last year I started with an aesthetic grass base and added flowers and petals, rocks, feathers, eggs and baby animals for Culturebaby to discover and play with, along with some clips for fine motor practice. This year the theme is more yellow and nest-like with a wide variety of eggs, chicks, nests, feathers and, Culturetot's favourite: pompoms. I also added a favoured themed toy - the egg shape sorter for Culturetot.
Last year I also set up a simple pond-like sensory play tub with the frog and turtle sets using a base of green water beads. This fun little resource (not for children who still mouth) are fun to grow from tiny beads with the addition of water, and they are slimy and squishable to the touch. Once the weather improved we also incorporated some of these little models in a spot of outdoor water play.
4. A really simple activity, either for a specific walk, or for any time you are out and about is to spot, photograph and identify spring flowers popping up. We've also been watching the snowdrops wane and make way for other shoots in our own garden. It's been an effective way to teach Culturebaby about flowers, new life and do a spot of revision myself.
9. Themed colour sorting and counting activities are always a good way to engage both the girls in their various interests and provide a versatile material that can be used in different ways. Culturetot has really taken to these miniature wooden eggs, and has spent a lot of time sorting them and putting them into containers. Culturebaby has been using these eggs and a set of numbers to count the correct amounts of eggs into sections of a paint dish. This has really helped with her precision of counting as well as her numeral recognition.
10. One of the girls' favourite joint activities is creating imaginary culinary offerings, hosting picnics and tea parties. I love it when they use materials I have offered them in other contexts (such as our Easter sensory basket) in their own ways. The've been reminiscing about Shrove Tuesday and cooking up rather a few pancakes this week, complete with pom pom yokes. They've also been careering about the house brandishing their easter baskets and collecting a host of unlikely material. I've rarely seen them so occupied for such a long time. A bargain at £1 for a packet from Poundland.
Spring is Coming by Elisabeth Lebret
Spring is coming, spring is coming, birdies build your nest!
Weave together straw and feathers, doing each your best.
Spring is coming, spring is coming
Flowers are coming too.
Daisies, lilies, daffodillies
All are coming through!
Spring is coming, spring is coming
all around is fair.
Shimmer, glimmer on the river,
joy is everywhere.
Disclaimer: The majority of ideas and materials are our own for these activities, with the exception of the fantastic Safariology models which were sent to us on request for a variety of activities and review purposes over the last year by Asobi Toys UK. We cannot recommend these educational items enough. As mentioned in a previous blog, the gorgeous resurrection garden idea came from this great blog post by The Encouraging Home, and the great Spring art ideas came from the clever and creative Jo at Patchwork Penguin. If you are St Albans based, this is a simply fabulous class for little ones.
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